CAC’s Response to Current Events

CAC Community,

We mourn with our CAC family members and our country after recent events have again reminded us of the attitudes and actions leading to the inhumane treatment of our brothers and sisters with black and brown skin. The world is not as it should be. We lament this together and are paying attention. 

As a Community of Christ, our mission calls us to follow the example of Jesus to love, mourn, listen and pray. Join us in petitioning our Creator for mercy, peace and hope. As we’ve prayed this prayer and discerned what to say, we acknowledge words alone will not be adequate. As a Christian education community, we have a responsibility to take on an active role in both teaching and modeling to our students Jesus’ command for wholehearted love of each other (Mark 12:31). This means examining what we’re doing now and admitting that we can do better in our pursuit of equality as God created it.

Jesus’ life tells the story of loving all of humanity. We strive to emulate this by continually seeking to listen and learn from our families and neighbors. Being more familiar with all people and perspectives leads to a better understanding of our role to love as Christ loved. As a school, empathy influences how we equip students to develop a transforming faith with concern and compassion for human life. 

An essential education requires the equal representation of all voices. Looking ahead, our board and administration are committed to finding more ways to emphasize minority experiences in our academic and spiritual development and foster an environment where all students feel connected and represented.

As we come together to learn, reflect, and act, we pray for generous listening in a holy space where understanding and empathy grow.

In Christ,
CAC Board of Directors