Contact Us
Secondary (Main) Campus
#1 Windsong Drive
North Little Rock, AR 72113
Main: (501) 758-3160
Admissions: (501) 758-3160 Ext. 224
Fax: (501) 791-7975
North Little Rock Elementary
6101 John F. Kennedy Blvd
North Little Rock, AR 72116
Main: (501) 835-5924
Admissions: (501) 758-3160 Ext. 224
Pleasant Valley Elementary
PV Church of Christ
10900 Rodney Parham
Little Rock, AR 72212
Main: (501) 227-4963
Admissions: (501) 758-3160 Ext. 224
Contact us anytime with questions or comments. Email us at cac@cacmustangs.org.
Parent Contact Information
There will be times throughout the school year when CAC will need to reach parents regarding extracurricular activities, school closings and enrollment deadlines, among other important topics. Therefore, it is vital that we have updated contact information and preferences from all of our families.
Signup to receive communication from CAC by clicking here.
To add your contact information or update your preferences, click here to login to RenWeb/FACTS. If you do not have an account, please contact Karen Sullivan, IT coordinator, at (501) 758-3160 Ext. 217.
If you have other admissions-related questions, contact Chad Tappe at (501) 758-3160 Ext. 224.
If you have communications-related questions, contact Jeremy Beauchamp at (501) 758-3160 Ext. 291