Academic Testing
In-House Educational Testing
Dyslexia is one of the most common learning challenges affecting students in the United States. According to the National Institute of Health, dyslexia affects one in every five people. It is one of the most common causes of reading difficulties in younger students. Despite its prevalence, many people do not know that they have it, and their learning difficulties are often misattributed to a student having low intelligence. This could not be further from the truth. In fact, once a student is diagnosed, education interventions and strategies can be implemented by qualified professionals to mitigate the challenges of dyslexia.
In order to find effective learning strategies, parents and teachers must have a diagnosis. The process usually begins with a parent or teacher noticing familiar patterns of struggle, especially with reading. The next step is for parents to find a licensed professional to offer a pre-screening test. If pre-screening results indicate that dyslexia is likely, a full diagnostic assessment will be recommended.
If your child has been diagnosed with dyslexia, we may recommend that they join our Foundations program in order to get the specialized learning interventions that will help them succeed and learn strategies to help them integrate into the traditional school day. A confirmed diagnosis may also lead students to qualify for state aid through the LEARNS Act (formerly Succeed) to attend our Foundations classes.
Know Your Options
We are proud to feature the skills and expertise of our in-house speech pathologist and dyslexia specialist Melissa Hannah (MA CCC-SLP, CALT). Through her educational background and certification training, Mrs. Hannah is authorized to administer specific dyslexia testing. If a student is recommended for dyslexia testing, CAC parents now have an in-house option for screening and evaluation. It is important to note that the state also provides screening and evaluation free of charge through the Pulaski County Special School District. However, because of Mrs. Hannah’s expertise, love for students with language-learning challenges and heart for our community, we want to offer her skills at a discounted rate for families who may want a more personal and responsive screening and evaluation experience.
Enrollment Status | Cost | Note |
CAC Student | Free | If Administration or Foundations staff recommends screening. |
Prospective Student | $125 | If student enrolls and is accepted, fee will be credited toward tuition. |
Non-Enrolled CAC Student | $250 | Fee paid directly to Hannah Education Resources and Evaluations. |
Full Diagnostic Testing
Enrollment Status | Cost | Note |
CAC Student | $475 (50% off rate) | Families have option to test through local public school resources. |
Prospective Student | $950 (Full rate) | If the student enrolls and is accepted, 50% discounted fee will be credited to tuition. |
Non-Enrolled CAC Student | $950 (Full rate) | Fee paid directly to Hannah Education Resources and Evaluations. |
To find out more about our in-house pre-screening and diagnostic testing, contact Foundations Program Administrator Shelia Cruce at (501) 350-8222 or email at scruce@cacmustangs.org