Last updated in spring 2020. For current information, visit the Athletics Homepage.
CAC Athletics Parents & Guardians,
Per the Arkansas Department of Health and the Arkansas Activities Association (AAA) schools can begin limited team activities on June 1. At CAC our #1 priority is the safety of our students and staff members.
Thus, based on those directives, we have established protocols for our teams to return to campus on June 1. All team activities and workouts are voluntary. We respect the right of each family to decide the extent to which their student participates.
We ask for your continued cooperation and understanding as we implement these protocols to protect our students and staff. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Hayden Cruce
Athletic Director
Per AAA rules all student physicals are valid for 12-15 months. If your student’s physical has expired, they will not be able to attend or participate in workouts. Due to the current circumstances, we will not be able to offer free physicals on campus. Each athlete will be required to obtain a physical from their PCP or other healthcare provider. The deadline to obtain a new physical for the 2020-2021 school year is July 1. The physical exam form and health history can be accessed below.
[download href=””]Physical Form[/download]
[download href=””]Medical History Form[/download]
PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) Requirements
- All staff and volunteers must wear face coverings during team activities.
- Students are required to wear face coverings when on campus, except when actively working out.
- All students must supply their own face covering.
Social Distancing
- Students and staff will maintain proper social distance at all times. High fives, huddles, or other physical contact between students and/or staff are prohibited.
- All students and staff will be screened before entering the facility. CAC will use the recommended screening questions and form supplied by the AAA.
- If your student exhibits any of the following symptoms [1) Cough 2) Difficulty Breathing 3) Sore Throat 4) Loss of Taste or Smell 5) Contact with an infected person (COVID-19) within the previous 14 days. 6) Temperature of 100.4 or more in the past 48 hours] do not send them to campus. Follow up with a health care professional and notify your coach immediately.
Arrival and Dismissal
Each student will be assigned a designated work out time by their coach.
- Students should arrive 10 minutes before the designated time to complete their screening.
- A specific area will be designated outside the gym and fieldhouse for screenings. These areas will be marked to ensure students maintain a safe social distance.
- If a student arrives more than 10 minutes before the designated workout time, they must remain in their vehicles until the appropriate time.
- When the workout is dismissed students must leave campus immediately.
Facility Cleanliness and Sanitation
- Equipment and high-touch areas will be disinfected between each group.
- Students will not be allowed to share equipment until it has been disinfected.
- Hand sanitizer stations will be available at entry and exit doors.
- Weight equipment, bathrooms, and touched surfaces will be disinfected every night.
- Locker rooms, showers, and water fountains will not be available for use.
- What should I bring to work out or team activities? Face covering, water bottle (name clearly visible), gym bag or backpack to store personal items (keys, phone, etc.), towel (optional).
- Where should I go to complete my screening before the workout? Football teams should report to the sidewalk outside of the weight room. Basketball and volleyball should report to the sidewalk outside the small gym.
- What if I can’t pick up my child at the conclusion of their workout? We ask that parents try to arrange arrival and pick-up at the designated times. We understand sometimes this is not possible due to emergencies or other circumstances. Please communicate with your coach if this is an issue and we will work to ensure your student is safely supervised until you arrive. Students will not be allowed to loiter in the parking lot before workouts or while waiting on rides.
- Can students use the facility to complete individual workouts or work on skill development? No. We love that many of our athletes are willing to work on their own outside of team activities. But, to ensure facility cleanliness and safe social distancing, facility use is only permitted under the direct supervision of a Central Arkansas Christian coach or staff member.