Homecoming 2019
Dress-Up Days
All three campuses will follow the themes below:
- Monday: Sleeping Beauty (Pajama Day)
- Tuesday: You’ve Got a Friend in Me (Buzz or Woody / Space or Western)
- Wednesday: Surf & Turf (Hawaiian or Greasers)
- Thursday: Favorite Disney Character
- Friday: Purple & Gold
*All students must abide by dress code guidelines for all costumes. (No short shorts, no leggings without something school-appropriate-length being worn over them, no sweats on pajama day, etc).
Secondary Campus
Friday, October 18 Schedule
Monday: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (2 students per grade)
Tuesday: You’ve Got A Friend in Me (2 students per grade)
Wednesday: Up (1 student per grade)
Thursday: Disney Trivia (1 student per grade)
Friday: Disney Lip Sync Battle (1 student per grade)
*Students will be able to sign up to participate in Chapel Homecoming Games with the Class Sponsor*
Bippity Boppity Boutique (2 students per grade)
The Park Hopper (2 students per grade)
*Students will be able to sign up to participate in Pep Rally Games with their Class Sponsor.*