Show Us Your CAC Pride!
Spirit Wear Design Contest
Do you have a great idea for a CAC Spirit Wear design? Do you want to feel pride in seeing your peers wear a shirt that you created to showcase your CAC pride? Enter our Spirit Wear Design Contest! Your design could be the next CAC Spirit Wear shirt and sold in our Spirit Wear Store!
The Details:
- The contest is open to all current students, family, staff and alumni.
- The winner will have their design sold in the CAC Spirit Wear Shop and will receive free swag with their winning design on it, along with bragging rights and the joy of seeing your peers proudly wearing your design!
- Designs may be hand-drawn or digital artwork (all designs will be converted for printing purposes).
- Artwork must be school spirit theme. Designers may opt to include official school logos. Find these here.
- Artwork may NOT include unapproved logos, copyrighted materials or anything that infringes upon the CAC mission, values or handbook. All designs must reflect a positive representation of CAC. Artwork must be original.
- Artwork must be able to be printed on a white shirt. The design can include as many or as few colors as you want.
- There is no limit to the number of submissions. All submissions must be received by the end of the school day on November 4, 2022. No late entries will be accepted. You may submit a .jpg, .png, pdf, or a camera photo of your drawing. All entries must be submitted via the button below.
- The winning design will be offered for sale in the CAC Spirit Wear Shop. The winning design may be used as a reference only and refined by CAC staff as needed. It may also be altered or adapted for printing purposes.
The winner will be selected by a judging committee comprised of various CAC staff members. The judging committee has final say on the winner. The winning design will be announced prior to Thanksgiving break.
Questions? Email spiritwear@cacmustangs.org