Cheering with Mini-Mustangs!

Seniors Emma Davis and Taylor Spencer were super excited to be some of the Varsity Cheerleaders who helped out with the CAC Elementary Cheer Clinic last week! Emma and Taylor have been involved with CAC cheer since the 7th grade. Emma says her favorite thing about being on the cheer team is the bond with the girls on the team. 

“Between practices at 6:45 in the morning to the cheer sleepover, we just have a really close bond,” she said.

Taylor agreed and said they get to know the girls on the team really well. Emma and Taylor were both a part of the elementary cheer clinic when they were in elementary school. They both said that this year saw one of the biggest groups of kids that the clinic had ever seen. This year was the first year that they had two days to practice with the kids. This is also the first year they will be doing a cheer clinic at one of the basketball games!

Taylor and Emma said that this task is super fulfilling and that it is amazing to see the elementary students’ love for cheerleading starting as their own time with cheer is coming to an end.

“Some of the girls come to the football games, and they will see us and give us a hug. It’s super sweet!” Taylor said.

When walking the halls on the secondary campus, Emma and Taylor see girls from previous cheer clinics, and they loved that they could be a couple of familiar faces for students coming to the mountain for the first time