RenWeb Access
RenWeb is a private and secure school management website that allows parents access to information specific to their student. CAC utilizes RenWeb ParentsWeb to let parents view their student’s academic information and communicate with teachers and other school staff online.
Additional ParentsWeb features include:
Progress reports, report cards, transcripts, lesson plans, homework, staff and school directories, and more.
Click the image to access ParentsWeb. CAC’s district code is CA-AR.
RenWeb Home App
The RenWeb Home App gives you on-the-go access to your ParentsWeb account from your iPhone or Android.
RenWeb Home is available in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and is free to all CAC families by simply downloading the App, then logging in with your RenWeb username and password and district code CA-AR.
For more information about RenWeb, or for help with your ParentsWeb or RenWeb Home account, please contact Karen Sullivan.
RenWeb Setup & Family Demographic Form Instructions
CAC’s parents are able to set up their own RenWeb ParentsWeb account using the instructions in the video below. In addition to creating an account, we ask each family updates their Family Demographic Form within Renweb so we have access to current contact information in case of an emergency.
The district code CAC uses is CA-AR.